Vinyl manufacturing is currently experiencing some delays. We’re doing our best to get orders in earlier but in the mean time, it’s currently affecting our releases


January cards have all been mailed out as of February 28th.

February cards have all been mailed out as of March 28th

March cards are at our fulfillment center but it’s currently taking them about 3 weeks to fill and mail out orders as each order is manually fulfilled and subscriptions have doubled within the last month. We’ve since updated fulfillment centers that should have a 1 week turnaround time starting with our April cards. This should help speed up the mailouts for future postcards. Thanks for your understanding / patience.

Message from UPS:

Due to the current congestion of all major international airports, especially in the USA and Europe, there are delays in transport, which can be in the order of several days. Airport congestion is caused by increased volumes due to the transfer of part of the boat transport to the aviation sector, which, however, has long suffered from limited air capacity and staff shortages at airports due to holidays and covid restrictions.

Future releases appear to be on schedule but I’ll continue to update this page if anything else comes up regarding future releases.

My sincere apologies for these delays in production. I hope that you all enjoy them when they do arrive!